Congrats to the following people for winning their respective prizes!
Congratulations @Truetype80! You won the 100,000G BfA Giveaway Spectacular!!
Congratulations @lillehammer, @Simorie, @Dirk_13 (Ullquiorra), @will (Warvoxi), @Bulborbish! You won the Garn Nighthowl Mount!
Congratulations @Book, @will (Warvoxi)! You won the Coalfist Gronnling Mount!
Congratulations @Grim! You won the Steelbound Harness Mount!
Congratulations @Lunzzul, @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow)! You won the In-Game Shop Mount (value = $25)!
Congratulations @Rammathorn, @Rocketfox! You won the Four Hexweave Bags!
Congratulations @will (Warvoxi)! You won the Four Silkweave Satchels!
Congratulations @Starblade! You won the Bone-White Primal Raptor Mount (9999 bones to buy it on the Isle of Giants)!
Congratulations @Amaltor, @Tiv, @Daveed, @lillehammer, @Dirk_13 (Ullquiorra)! You won the Enchanting Pet Pack (includes Pen, Cauldron, and Torch)!
Congratulations @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow), @MergencyGaming, @Deiselboy (Konflic), @Inodé, @Natty (Natski), @Bighoss! You won the A random bunch of pets (a bundle of 12, to be exact)!
Congratulations @Starblade, @Kalthragg (Monagarhar), @Book, @Pete (Miatreeleafa/Smitemeow)! You won the Pet Leather Toy Set (Flaming Hoop, Leather Leash, Leather Pet Bed, and a Random Minipet)!