Season 3 Rated BG Meeting (4/13/19)

In our little shindig last night, we went over some of the rules and opened everything up for discussion. As we still have many more weeks before season 3 starts, we still have plenty more time to continue to revise and revisit so that everything works for everyone that plans on participating. 

Make sure you read until the bottom, as it will contain anything that was also spoken on a bit.

Meet our Leaders!

  • Lunzzul
    • Head of guild PvP.
  • Deathhoss
    • Second in command for PvP. Does things sometimes.
  • Arianrhod
    • PvP Fun Day Captain!

What do we do?

  • For short, we PvP!
    • We have done Tol Barad, For The Horde, Gurubashi arena events for prizes, as well as just making raid groups to run other forms of world PvP and be the bane of the alliance!
    • We currently have a funday being ran on Sundays, which includes things like random BGs, weekly brawls, and more fun stuff! This is for the people that want to just PvP casually.
    • We hope to have a lot of success in rated PvP and wargames this season!


  • One thing that is very detrimental (and will be the most policed part of this) will be conduct. Anyone who is being toxic, rude, or unpleasant will not be allowed to attend future events with us. This goes for casual events, rated battlegrounds, and our more organized events.
  • Consequences will be on a case-by-case basis.
    • If it is a minor offense, you will be given one warning. Nothing more. If the actions or behavior continue, you will not be allowed to continue coming to events.
    • More serious actions will be determined as needed.
  • The PvP community is known for being very toxic. We are not wanting this branch of our guild to be like this. This is a FOR FUN branch, which will have some aspects of competition.
  • If (and when) we have to PUG a role, you will be expected to treat them with the same courtesy as you would a guild member.
  • It’s no fun when people are assholes.

Gladiator (Guild Promotions)

  • This will give you 800g for daily repairs, as well as increased bank access.
    • The promotion will be given to people who actively attend guild PvP events.
  • If you decide to become part of the Rated team, you will be responsible for attending  the rated date set.
    • If you cannot attend, let us know ahead of time!
  • If you do not want to be on the rated team, you can still get this promotion through Funday!
  • If you do not show up for a week of events with no contact made to anyone, you will lose your status.
  • You can always gain it back


  • Funday
    • Sunday: 12pm server/3pm Eastern
  • Rated*
    • Wednesday: 6pm server / 9pm Eastern
    • Saturday: 8pm sever/ 11pm Eastern
*As mentioned in the beginning, this is still up for debate and decision. Let us know what works and doesn't work for you!
Though there are no immediate plans to start running until 8.2s release, let me know if you think it would start sooner so we can get a little practice in before the season starts!

Rated-Specific Rules


  • You MUST confirm your role(s) and that you have read the rules and regulations with Lunzzul/Judaspriest on Discord 24 hours before a rated time slot.
  • Lunzzul must have the following information:
    • Class:
    • Spec:
    • Role:
    • Mic for Discord?
    • Experience?
    • Are you able to participate each Wednesday at 5pm server time?
    • Do you have more than one role that you can play?
  • If you aren’t immediately eligible, don’t worry! We will still set a time aside that week to get you some more experience, gear, whatever you need!
  • To be invited, you must be signed up ON THE IN-GAME CALENDAR at least one day before RBGs (the Monday before).*
    • This helps us by seeing what roles we will have on a day by day basis and what we will need to PUG.
  • Be in Discord 15 minutes before RBGs begin.
*Look, I know no one likes to use the in-game calendar. I get it. But, everyone confirming their spots beforehand takes a lot of guessing and strain off of me. Obviously, I would like to ASSUME that everyone will be present and eager every night, but that's not entirely realistic. It just gives a quick little confirmation that you're for sure going to be there.


  • Item level requirement will be set at 395.*
    • As ratings increase and such, you will be expected to eventually become more geared.
    • Gems and enchants will be required.
*Required iLvL does not have to be exactly 395. As long as you are current with the patch and everyone else and you know what you're doing, it's okay if you're a bit low!

Discord and Add ons

  • Discord will be required.
    • If you do not have a mic or do not want to talk, there is a chance you won’t be able to participate. We cannot have a team full of people who won’t make call outs when necessary.
  • There CANNOT be any extra chatter during a match.
    • If it happens, you will be given one warning to cut it. If you don’t, you will be benched
  • Required Addon List*
    • Reporter: A detailed battleground map that shows where all of your teammates are, as well as capping times, enemy flag carrier, ect.
    • BattleGroundEnemies: Shows all of the enemy team’s buffs, debuffs, health, ect. It helps with target calling and quick targetting. Only the Enemy half will be required, but the Ally side is also helpful.
*Please make sure you have them. We can tell if you don't. ;)


  • Roles will be partially determined on who we know will perform well in said role. It will also be determined on who we have night to night.
  • Because there is a limited number of roles,  I encourage everyone to have multiple roles available to ensure you have a spot.*
  • If we have to rotate people, it will be on a week-by-week, first come-first serve basis.
  • Flag Carrier
    • Most of the time is not needed, but it is nice to have. Someone with high mobility and high sustainability will hold this role.
  • Healers
    • We will always have 3. Some maps require 4 healers, so we encourage an extra healer that has a strong DPS offspec.
  • DPS
    • Self explanatory. Can kill things. But at the same time, people in these roles must listen to call outs from the leads or the target caller.
    • There needs to be a good balance of melee and range. The goal is to have three melee and three range in each battleground.
  • Target Caller
    • They will be calling who the team needs to zerg. The person assigned to this role will depend on the comp we have each night.
If you do not currently have another class or spec that you don't play, but you would like to make sure that you can have a spot each night, let me know! The more guildies that we have to fill each role, the better it is for us to grow and learn together (and we don't have to waste time pugging!)

Other Things Covered

  • “Can we start doing the weekly bonus objectives? Like the Call to Arms, ect”
    • I would love to! But, as busy of a schedule as the guild has, it wouldn’t be entirely realistic right now. Maybe in the future? But, remember that you can always start running your own events too! Speak with any officer.
  • Does anyone remember when we were looking for a Warbringer to specifically help run RBGs? Well, we never found one. If you would like to help out with it, message me (Lunzzul) anytime on Discord or in game.
    • You would be helping build comps, assigning roles, calling strats, running the actual battlegrounds, and any other fun things that you think would be helpful and beneficial to everyone’s success.



If you are worried about not having a spot in the rated teams, you can always create a new toon and the Gladiators and PvP leaders will happily help you level and gear for rateds.

Never be afraid to tell us something. We don’t bite (hard.) We cannot know something if you don’t let us know!

Thank you to everyone who came and chatted with us briefly last night. If you missed it and have any additional questions, ask away!

We want to make our rated team(s) the best that they can be. My Discord is Lunzzul/Judspriest#7740 for confirmation of the rules and roles, as well as any questions you may have about anything that isn’t clearly stated above. To fully confirm you have read the rules thoroughly, send me “toxic love muffic” along with your role information. I hope to see everyone on the battlefield, and let’s kick some ass!

So You (Think) You Want To Play Feral

Lately, I have noticed a couple of things about the guild.

  1. There are almost no feral mains, if any at all.
  2. A lot of people have said that they plan on maining a Zandalari feral.

I’m not here to discourage anyone, burst any bubbles, or ruin the fun of being your very own dinosaur cat. I’m also not here to make it seem like the best class ever. I will also be the first one to tell you this: despite it being the most fun and unique class, in my opinion, it can and will suck.

This article is strictly based on my own individual experience, and it’s mostly just for fun and to have a chuckle!

Continue reading

Deathhoss-Reasons I Love This Guild

Warbringer Deathhoss shares some of his experience with us!

I joined this guild on a whim. I started a toon on Aerie Peak and happened to see them in the guild finder.

Since then, its been a whirlwind of fun, friendship, and funny memories. Since joining, I’ve met some of the nicest people you could imagine; even though a lot of us are assholes, but in a good way. I’d have to say the most memorable thing for me was the first time i raided with MOD in Uldir, when it released. The nervous buildup to a new raid, and the countless hours grinding for gear and studying fights. But it was all worth it when the yells and cheers of joy happened, when G’huun finally fell.

This guild means a lot to me. Its a place where I can escape for a few hours a day and have fun. Even though a lot of y’all give me a hard time, I honestly love all of you. As I see it, this guild isn’t just a group of people who happen to play the same game. We are a family, even if that means dealing with the crazy cousins, uncles, and aunts sometimes.

We love you, even though you’re a 200 year old man! Thank you for everything that you’ve done to contribute to the amazingness of this guild!


Remember to enter into the Social Giveaway before January 1st! We love reading all of your stories and experiences.

November 14 Rated Battleground Overview

We had a super awesome week this week! It was nice seeing so many new guildies take interest in running rateds with us. Shout out to all of you!

We are still having issues with getting a full group together for these, so I want to remind everyone that if you have an interest, don’t be afraid to message me with any questions that you may have! I promise I’m not going to turn you down, and we will work with you and get you where you need to be. Practice makes perfect, so practice with us!

Play wise, everyone did amazing and even surpassed expectations tonight. I had to step out for a bit, but I heard nothing but good things when I came back. Teamwork makes the dream work, and we have the teamwork aspect near on point!

If you want to start playing with us, but you aren’t sure if your main character is viable or not, I have so many guides and resources pinned in the pvp announcements discord channel. Read up on your class, make your own decisions, and know that with practice, every class can be amazing. If you have a character that you would like to play, but it isnt quite geared enough, just let me know! I will help you and work with you.

Thanks again to everyone that participated tonight, and I hope to see you all again in future events!

Next Tuesday, I will not be seeing any of you, due to work reasons. But I hope to hear continued improvement!

Deiselboy-"My time in MoD"

Submitted from Deiselboy:

Our first dabbles into organized raiding were fun. The homework assignments, struggling to get 10 people all to log on to raid on 2 consecutive nights, our first kill of Xavius, and the deafening on discord that almost cost me my hearing. Having people kinda drift away and come back. Mostly the guild is about community; we love a good laugh, and we get stuff done.

I’ve been a part of this guild for 4-5 years now and have seen it grow from a quiet guild that barely had anyone on, to a small tight-knit guild that had 10-12 regulars on, to an explosion of players on that we currently have almost any time of day. It’s been a journey and I can say, hands down, this is the best guild I’ve ever been a part of in any game.

It doesn’t feel like you’re a stranger in this guild. You may not know who anyone is outside of their screen name, but outside of my family, this is my online family.

How heartwarming! This truly is a big, happy family.

We love seeing your submissions and stories. Feel free to submit them here to be featured on our website. We can never have too much spotlight on our members!

Let's Get Social Giveaway!

As you may have heard by now, we are now on social media!

To celebrate this, we will be giving away a game store mount AND 20,000 gold to one lucky winner!

To enter into the giveaway, all you have to do is follow us on social media and submit your favorite MoD memory, something you would like to share with the class, artwork you have done, or really anything!

You can find all of our social medias here.

If you only follow on one social media, you will be given one entry. If you follow on all three, you will get five entries!

To share your submission, you can either use the member submission portal on our website, post it to Twitter or Instagram using #modaeriepeak, or you can share it directly through Discord! (Be sure to include your handles that you followed us on, as well as your in game name,  so that we can verify your submission. Don’t worry; your personal information will never be publically shared or posted.)

This giveaway will run until January first at midnight. The winner will be announced that day!

October 29 Rated Battleground Overview

This week, I have seen so many new people running battlegrounds and have had several new people message me looking for how to get in on the rateds action. This is so awesome! I love seeing this grow and flourish.

From Miatreeleafa:

“Ministry of Defense’s rated battleground’s team has had a strong week. We continue to see week over week improvement with some team members hitting major achievement milestones! Congratulations to them!

We are beginning to see an influx of new PvP players. This being said, we would like to remind everyone that they need to confirm that they have read the PvP rules here with a warbringer prior to asking for an invite to the group.

Along with running normal strategies this week, we also had fun putting together a six rogue DPS team, which turned out better that expected, winning a vast majority of the games we played.

The team is discussing putting together a second RBG night on Wednesdays. What are your thoughts? Send a message to one of the warbringers, or tell us your thoughts in the #pvp channel in Discord.

Recruiting: Does this sound like fun? Well, you’re in luck. We are still looking for players that meet all requirements and have a reliable attendance history. The Ministry of Defense warbringers would love to see a full 10 man guild group running RBGs each week. We are specifically recruiting 2 ranged DPS and a Havoc/Vengeance Demon Hunter for Flag Carrier. Have questions? Message Miatreeleafa, Bizatch, Lunzzul or Bighoss on discord so we can assist you.”

I would like to add is a quick shout out to the non-guildies that have been playing with us through the new Ministry of Defense community! This community was created so that we can run and have fun with a large variety of different players, inside and outside of the guild, as well as making communication between the PvPers easier. If you would like to join the community, you can get the link here.

Be on the look out for PvP related news on Discord!